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臨床情報 「注意欠如多動性障害(ADHD)に対するTMS治療の有効性について」





医療法人永朋会 理事長 加藤晃司



方法:新たにADHDと診断された64人の患者が、治療法にょって3つのグループ、rTMSグループ、ATXグループ、およびrTMS + ATXグループに無作為に割り当てられた。治療前および治療後6週間で、ADHD患者の臨床症状および実行機能を評価し、治療効果を3つのグループ間で比較した。

結果:6週間の治療後、SNAP-IV質問票の全因子のスコアは3群とも治療前のスコアよりも低かった。また、Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children、継続的パフォーマンステスト、およびIGTの3つのサブテストのスコアも、治療前よりも有意に高かった。 rTMS + ATX群は他の群と比較してSNAP-IV質問票に対する注意欠陥および多動性衝動においてより良好な改善を示し、そしてまた実行機能に対してより高い有効性を有した。さらに、ATX群は、コーディングおよびIGTにおいてrTMS群よりも良好に機能した。

結論:rTMS、ATX、および併用療法は、ADHD患者の中核症状および実行機能を改善するのに有効である。併用治療は、単一治療群を超える有意な治療上の利点を有する。 rTMSと比較して、薬物療法はコーディングおよびIGTにおいてより良好な改善を有する。

clinical effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation combined with atomoxetine in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Pengfei cao,1,2,* Jun Xing,1,* Yin cao,3 Qi cheng,1 Xiaojing sun,1 Qi Kang,1 libin Dai,1 Xianju Zhou,3 Zixiang song1

Objective: To explore the effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) combined with atomoxetine (ATX) in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Methods: Sixty-four patients with newly diagnosed ADHD were enrolled from January 2016 to October 2017 from Psychological Centre for Adolescents and Children at 102th Hospital of People’s Liberation Army of China. These patients were randomly assigned to three groups according to treatment method: the rTMS group, the ATX group, and the rTMS+ ATX group. Before treatment and 6 weeks after treatment, clinical symptoms and executive functions of ADHD patients were evaluated with the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham, Version IV (SNAP-IV) Questionnaire, continuous performance test, three subtests (arithmetic, digit span, and coding) of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, as well as Iowa Gambling Tasks (IGT). The effects of treatment were compared among three groups. Results: After 6 weeks of treatment, the scores of all factors in the SNAP-IV questionnaire were lower than those before treatment in the three groups; the scores of three subtests of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, continuous performance test, and IGT were also significantly higher than those before treatment. The rTMS+ ATX group had a better improvement in attention deficits and hyperactivity impulse on the SNAP-IV questionnaire compared with the other groups, and also had a higher efficacy on cold and hot executive functions such as arithmetic, forward numbers, coding, and IGT. In addition, the ATX group performed better than the rTMS group in coding and IGT. Conclusion: rTMS, ATX, and the combination therapy are effective in improving core symptoms and executive function in patients with ADHD. The combined treatment has significant therapeutic advantages over the single treatment groups. Compared with rTMS, the drug therapy has a better improvement in coding and IGT.