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有効性: ADHDに対するTMS治療の有効性に関する研究はまだ初期段階にありますが、いくつかの研究では、ADHDの症状に対して前向きな効果が報告されています。特に、注意力や衝動性、多動性の改善が観察されたケースがあります。
標的とする脳領域: ADHDの治療においては、前頭前野など、注意制御や行動調節に関わる脳の領域が標的とされることが多いです。
治療プロトコル: ADHDに対するTMS治療のプロトコルは、治療の頻度やセッション数、刺激の強さなど、研究によって異なる場合があります。最適な治療プロトコルについては、今後の研究でさらに明らかになることが期待されます。



睡眠の質の改善: うつ病患者を対象としたTMS治療の研究では、睡眠の質が改善されたとの報告があります。これには、入眠困難、睡眠の中断、早朝覚醒などの症状の軽減が含まれます。
レム睡眠と非レム睡眠の影響: TMSがレム睡眠および非レム睡眠に与える影響に関する研究もあり、一部の研究では、TMS治療が睡眠サイクルにポジティブな影響を与える可能性が示唆されています。


神経回路の調節: TMSによる特定の脳領域への刺激が、睡眠に関わる神経回路の活動を調節し、睡眠パターンの正常化を促す可能性があります。
神経伝達物質の影響: TMS治療がセロトニンやメラトニンなど、睡眠に関係する神経伝達物質のバランスに影響を与えることで、睡眠の質を改善する可能性があります。







医療法人永朋会 和光医院

Effectiveness of TMS Therapy for Disorders Other Than Depression: Explained by a Child Psychiatrist in Nagoya
Hello, I’m Dr. Koji Kato, Director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.

Today, I will discuss the effectiveness of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy for disorders other than depression. While TMS is well-known for its use in treating depression, research shows it may also be effective for various other neuropsychiatric conditions.

Principle of TMS Therapy
TMS therapy involves sending short magnetic pulses through a coil placed on the scalp to stimulate or inhibit neuronal activity in specific brain regions. This modulation of brain activity can potentially improve symptoms of various neuropsychiatric disorders.

Research on TMS for ADHD
Effectiveness: Studies on the use of TMS for ADHD are still in the early stages. However, some research has reported positive effects on ADHD symptoms, including improvements in attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

Target Brain Regions: For ADHD treatment, TMS often targets the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in attention control and behavioral regulation.

Treatment Protocols: The protocols for TMS treatment in ADHD vary in terms of frequency, number of sessions, and intensity of stimulation. Future research is expected to refine these protocols for optimal results.

2. Sleep Disorders
Research and Results
Improvement in Sleep Quality: Studies involving TMS treatment for depression have noted improvements in sleep quality. Patients reported reduced symptoms of insomnia, sleep interruptions, and early morning awakenings.

Impact on REM and Non-REM Sleep: Research also explores the effects of TMS on REM and non-REM sleep, suggesting that TMS could positively influence sleep cycles.

Mechanisms of Action
Regulation of Neural Circuits: TMS may regulate the activity of neural circuits involved in sleep, promoting the normalization of sleep patterns.

Influence on Neurotransmitters: TMS might affect the balance of neurotransmitters like serotonin and melatonin, which are crucial for sleep regulation.

3. Anxiety Disorders
Research Findings
Reduction in Anxiety Symptoms: Studies have shown that TMS therapy can significantly reduce anxiety symptoms in patients with various types of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder. TMS appears particularly effective for anxiety symptoms accompanying depression.

Normalization of Neural Circuit Activity: TMS may help normalize the activity of neural circuits involved in anxiety, directly impacting brain regions responsible for generating anxiety.

Mechanisms of Action
Modulation of Neural Activity: TMS uses magnetic pulses to stimulate or inhibit neural activity in specific brain regions, helping to balance neurotransmitter levels. This process can improve dysfunctional brain function associated with anxiety, thereby reducing symptoms.

While TMS therapy is primarily known for its effectiveness in treating depression, emerging clinical trials and research suggest it may also be beneficial for other disorders like ADHD, sleep disorders, and anxiety disorders. TMS impacts neurotransmitter levels and reconstructs neural circuits, offering a promising treatment avenue for various neuropsychiatric conditions.

Ongoing research continues to explore and validate these findings, potentially expanding the applications of TMS therapy. For those looking for alternatives to medication, especially in the field of psychiatry, TMS offers a valuable option.