

  • 医師・臨床心理士・管理栄養士一覧
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こんにちは、名古屋市千種区 児童精神科専門クリニック、医療法人永朋会 和光医院、加藤晃司です。







1. 感覚の過敏性(Hyperreactivity)

説明: 感覚が過敏であるため、通常の音、光、触覚などが非常に不快または圧倒的に感じられることがあります。例えば、日常の音が非常にうるさく感じたり、特定のテクスチャーが不快に感じられたりすることがあります。
例: 掃除機の音が耐えられないほど大きく感じる、蛍光灯の光がまぶしすぎる、特定の布の感触に耐えられないなど。

2. 感覚の低反応性(Hyporeactivity)

説明: 感覚が鈍感であるため、通常の感覚刺激に対して反応が少なかったり、無関心であったりすることがあります。これは、他者にとって強い刺激があまり感じられないために、適切な反応が取れないことを意味します。
例: 怪我をしても痛みを感じない、非常に冷たいまたは熱い物を触っても反応しないなど。

3. 感覚の探求行動(Sensory Seeking Behavior)

説明: 感覚刺激を求めて、過剰に感覚入力を探し求める行動です。これは、感覚が低反応性の子どもに多く見られますが、過敏性がある場合でも、特定の感覚刺激を求めることがあります。
例: 強く押されたり抱きしめられたりすることを好む、回転する動きを繰り返す、特定の物音や光に魅了されるなど。


1. 感覚統合療法(Sensory Integration Therapy)

概要: 感覚統合療法は、感覚処理の困難を抱える子どもたちに対して行われる療法です。この療法の目的は、子どもが日常生活で感覚情報をより適切に処理し、適応する能力を高めることです。
方法: 専門の作業療法士が、遊びや活動を通じて子どもにさまざまな感覚刺激を提供し、これに対する適応反応を強化します。例えば、バランスボールに乗る、砂を触る、さまざまなテクスチャーの物に触れるなどの活動が含まれます。

2. 環境調整とサポート

概要: 感覚障害を持つ子どもが快適に過ごせるように、家庭や学校での環境を調整することが重要です。
方法: 感覚過敏の子どもに対しては、騒音や強い光を避けるために静かな場所を提供したり、感覚低反応性の子どもには、感覚刺激を増やすための道具(例えば、触覚遊具や視覚的な刺激物)を用意するなどの工夫が必要です。

3. 作業療法(Occupational Therapy, OT)

概要: 作業療法士が感覚障害を持つ子どもの日常生活をサポートするための活動やエクササイズを提供します。
方法: 個々のニーズに応じた作業療法プログラムを作成し、感覚刺激に対する適応力を高めることを目指します。これには、自己管理スキルの向上や、適応行動の強化が含まれます。

4. 感覚刺激を避ける行動の支援

概要: 感覚過敏の子どもが過度の刺激を避けるための行動を支援することが必要です。
方法: 子どもが自分で感覚刺激を管理できるようにするため、ヘッドホンやサングラス、触覚を和らげる衣類などの使用を提案します。また、過敏性が強い状況での安全な回避方法を教えることも重要です。

5. 親教育と家族サポート

概要: 親や家族は、感覚障害に対する理解を深め、子どもをサポートするための適切な方法を学ぶことが重要です。
方法: 専門家からの教育や指導を通じて、家庭での感覚処理の支援方法を学び、子どものニーズに合わせた対応ができるようにします。また、同じ問題を抱える家族とのサポートグループに参加することも有効です。




医療法人永朋会 和光医院

Understanding Sensory Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Explained by a Nagoya Child Psychiatrist

Hello, I’m Dr. Koji Kato, a child psychiatrist at Wakou Clinic in Nagoya.

Today, I’d like to explain sensory issues in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their impact on daily life.

Many individuals with ASD experience sensory sensitivity, which can interfere with daily activities from childhood and even persist into adulthood. For some adults, sensory issues may remain unnoticed, and they may not even realize they are experiencing sensory sensitivities. Addressing these sensitivities can greatly improve quality of life, particularly in work environments where these issues often create challenges.

Overview of Sensory Issues in ASD
Individuals with ASD often exhibit unique difficulties in processing sensory information, which can manifest as hypersensitivity, hyposensitivity, or sensory-seeking behavior. These sensory differences can have a significant impact on daily life. Below, I explain the types of sensory issues commonly seen in ASD.

1. Sensory Hypersensitivity (Hyperreactivity)
Description: Individuals with sensory hypersensitivity may find everyday stimuli—such as sounds, lights, or textures—overwhelming or intolerable. For them, normal environmental stimuli may feel unusually intense.
Examples: The sound of a vacuum cleaner may feel unbearably loud, fluorescent lighting may seem blinding, or certain fabrics may be intolerable to touch.
2. Sensory Hyposensitivity (Hyporeactivity)
Description: Sensory hyposensitivity refers to reduced sensitivity to stimuli. Individuals may respond less or not at all to certain sensory inputs that would typically elicit a strong reaction.
Examples: Not feeling pain from injuries, not reacting to very hot or cold objects, or not responding to loud noises.
3. Sensory-Seeking Behavior
Description: This refers to behavior where individuals actively seek out sensory input. While more common in those with hyposensitivity, even individuals with hypersensitivity may seek out specific types of sensory input.
Examples: Enjoying strong pressure or tight hugs, engaging in repetitive spinning motions, or being fascinated by specific sounds or lights.
Treatment and Support for Sensory Issues
1. Sensory Integration Therapy
Overview: Sensory integration therapy is designed to help individuals with sensory processing difficulties. The goal is to improve the brain’s ability to process sensory information, making it easier for the individual to cope with everyday sensory stimuli.
Method: Occupational therapists use play-based activities to introduce various sensory stimuli in a controlled manner. Activities might include balancing on a ball, touching different textures, or interacting with various sensory objects to help the individual respond appropriately to sensory inputs.
2. Environmental Adjustments and Support
Overview: Adjusting the environment to make it more comfortable for individuals with sensory sensitivities can be critical, both at home and in school.
Method: For hypersensitive individuals, providing a quiet space to escape loud noises or avoiding bright lights may be helpful. For hyposensitive individuals, offering sensory-rich objects like tactile toys or visual stimuli can provide needed input.
3. Occupational Therapy (OT)
Overview: Occupational therapists create personalized therapy plans aimed at improving day-to-day functioning for individuals with sensory processing challenges.
Method: Tailored activities and exercises are designed to enhance adaptive responses to sensory input, improve self-regulation, and promote functional behavior in daily tasks.
4. Supporting Sensory-Avoidance Behaviors
Overview: Helping individuals with sensory hypersensitivity learn strategies to avoid overwhelming sensory stimuli is important.
Method: Practical solutions, such as noise-canceling headphones, sunglasses, or soft clothing, can help manage sensory overload. Teaching safe ways to avoid overwhelming situations is also beneficial.
5. Parental Education and Family Support
Overview: It is essential that parents and caregivers understand sensory issues and learn effective ways to support their child.
Method: Through professional guidance, families can learn how to manage sensory challenges at home. Participation in support groups can also provide emotional support and practical advice from others facing similar challenges.
Sensory issues in ASD can significantly impact daily life, but with appropriate therapies and support, individuals can learn to process sensory information more effectively and improve their quality of life. Multidisciplinary approaches—such as sensory integration therapy and occupational therapy—are highly effective, and personalized care tailored to each individual's needs is critical. Additionally, adjusting the environment in homes and schools plays a key role in ensuring comfort for individuals with sensory sensitivities.

In some cases, if ASD is accompanied by ADHD symptoms, we’ve observed that ADHD medications can improve sensory sensitivities. Since ADHD often coexists with ASD and may go undiagnosed, exploring this treatment avenue could be beneficial.

If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to reach out to our clinic.