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臨床情報「自閉症スペクトラム障害(Autism Spectrum Disorders : ASD)に対するTMS治療の有効性について」

さて、今回は自閉症スペクトラム障害(Autism Spectrum Disorders : ASD)に対するTMS治療の有効性について検討した論文のご紹介です。




理事長 加藤晃司



自閉症行動チェックリスト、自閉症治療評価チェックリスト、および自閉症診断面接の総合スコアを用いた短期的な結果を評価項目とした。経頭蓋直流刺激(tDCS)は11歳未満のASD患者に、11〜13歳の子供には反復経頭蓋磁気刺激(rTMS)に使用されました。観察ポイントは、NIBSのすべてのセッションを完了してから1、3、6ヶ月後の時点です。 3つの臨床的尺度における総スコアの有意な減少が、処置後最初の6ヶ月間に観察されそして維持された。 L-DLPFCを介したNIBSの20回のセッションで、ASDの子供の自閉症状が改善され、その効果は6ヶ月の持続を認めた。

Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Short-Term

Outcome Study

Lázaro Gómez et al

Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS) is a relatively new therapeutic approach that has shown beneficial effects in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). One question to be answered is how enduring its neuromodulatory effect could be. Twenty-four patients with ASD (mean age: 12.2 years) received 20 sessions of NIBS over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (L-DLPFC). They were randomized into two groups with two (G1) or three (G2) clinical evaluations before NIBS. Both groups had a complete follow-up at six months after the intervention, with the aim of determining the short-term outcome using the total score on the Autism Behavior Checklist, Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist, and the Autism Diagnostic Interview. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation(tDCS) was used in ASD patients aged <11 years, and repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation(rTMS) for 11–13-year-olds. Observation points were at one, three, and six months after completing all the sessions of NIBS. A significant reduction in the total score on the three clinical scales was observed and maintained during the first six months after treatment, with a slight and non-significant tendency to increase the scores in the last evaluation. Twenty sessions of NIBS over the L-DLPFC improves autistic symptoms in ASD children, with a lasting effect of six months.