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神経保護: エクソソームに含まれる成長因子や抗酸化物質は、神経細胞を損傷から保護し、酸化ストレスや炎症反応を抑制することで、神経細胞の生存率を高める可能性があります。
神経修復: 損傷した神経組織の修復や再生を促進する分子を運ぶことにより、エクソソームは脳損傷後の回復プロセスを支援する可能性があります。






(1)神経保護効果: エクソソームは神経保護因子や再生促進因子を含むことがあり、神経細胞の損傷からの保護や修復を促す可能性があります。これは、アルツハイマー病やパーキンソン病などの神経変性疾患、または脳損傷後の回復に有益である可能性があります。

(2)認知機能の改善: エクソソームは、認知機能の低下に関連する分子や、認知症の進行に影響を与える可能性のある生物活性物質を運搬することが示されています。これにより、認知障害を伴う精神疾患の治療に役立つ可能性があります。

(3)ストレス応答と感情調節: エクソソームは、ストレス応答に関与する分子や、気分障害(うつ病や双極性障害)に関係する神経伝達物質の調節に関与する可能性があります。エクソソームを介した分子の転送により、感情調節のメカニズムが改善されることが期待されます。




医療法人永朋会 和光医院

Application of Exosome Therapy in Psychiatry, Explained by a Child Psychiatrist in Nagoya
Hello, I’m Dr. Koji Kato, Director of W Skin Clinic Nagoya.

Today, I will discuss the potential application of exosome therapy in the field of psychiatry. Exosome therapy, developed from regenerative medicine, represents one of the many advanced treatments emerging from Japan, a global leader in regenerative medicine.

Exosomes are tiny vesicles that play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication, containing various bioactive molecules (proteins, RNA, DNA, lipids, etc.). These vesicles carry information between cells and have the potential to alter the function and behavior of recipient cells. Recent research suggests that exosomes may hold promise in treating psychiatric disorders.

1. How Might Exosomes Affect Brain Cells?
Exosomes significantly impact intercellular communication, and they may influence brain cells in several ways. Exosomes contain proteins, lipids, and RNA that they transport between cells, thereby affecting the survival, growth, repair, and functional regulation of neurons. Here are some potential effects of exosomes on brain cells:

(1) Neuroprotection and Repair
Neuroprotection: Exosomes contain growth factors and antioxidants that can protect neurons from damage, reduce oxidative stress, and inhibit inflammatory responses, thereby enhancing neuron survival.
Neurorepair: By carrying molecules that promote the repair and regeneration of damaged neural tissues, exosomes may support recovery processes following brain injury.
(2) Promotion of Neurogenesis
Exosomes may promote the growth of new neurons and the formation of neural circuits in the brain. This is facilitated by the delivery of signaling molecules that stimulate the differentiation and maturation of neural stem cells.

(3) Improvement of Cognitive Function
Certain molecules transported by exosomes can enhance the function of neural circuits, potentially improving cognitive functions such as learning and memory. This may involve regulating neurotransmitter release and receptor sensitivity.

(4) Applications in Neurological Diseases
Research is exploring the use of exosomes for treating neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease) and brain injuries. Exosomes could target disease-specific molecules, potentially slowing or reversing disease progression.

Given these effects, exosomes may be effective not only for conditions like dementia and brain injuries but also for psychiatric disorders.

2. Potential Efficacy of Exosomes in Treating Psychiatric Disorders
(1) Neuroprotective Effects
Exosomes may contain neuroprotective and regenerative factors that protect and repair neurons, potentially benefiting conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and recovery from brain injuries.

(2) Improvement of Cognitive Function
Exosomes may transport molecules that counteract cognitive decline and influence the progression of dementia. This could make them useful in treating psychiatric disorders associated with cognitive impairment.

(3) Stress Response and Emotional Regulation
Exosomes may play a role in modulating molecules involved in stress responses and mood disorders (such as depression and bipolar disorder). By transferring molecules that regulate neurotransmitters, exosomes could enhance mechanisms of emotional regulation.

In Japan, exosome therapy is commonly used for anti-aging purposes in cosmetic medicine. However, given their ability to regenerate and repair cells, exosomes could potentially be effective in treating a variety of diseases.

At our clinic, we are currently recruiting participants for a monitoring program to explore the effects of exosome therapy on depression.

If you are interested, please contact our clinic for more information.