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ADHD、自閉性スペクトラム障害、強迫性障害、認知症に対するTMS治療の有効性は?プロトコルは? 名古屋の児童精神科医が解説

ADHD、自閉性スペクトラム障害、強迫性障害、認知症に対するTMS治療の有効性は?プロトコルは? 名古屋の児童精神科医が解説

こんにちは、名古屋市千種区 児童精神科専門クリニック、医療法人永朋会 和光医院、加藤晃司です。








認知機能、特に注意力や記憶力の改善を目指す場合、**背外側前頭前野(DLPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex)**は一般的なターゲット領域です。この領域は、実行機能や作業記憶と密接に関連しています。












医療法人永朋会 和光医院

Efficacy and Protocols of TMS Treatment for ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Dementia Explained by a Child Psychiatrist in Nagoya
Hello, I am Dr. Koji Kato, Director of Nagoya City Chikusa Ward's Child Psychiatry Specialist Clinic, Wako Clinic, part of the Eihokai Medical Corporation.

In this article, I will explain the efficacy and protocols of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) treatment for ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Dementia.

While TMS treatment is only covered by insurance for depression in Japan, it has been studied for various other conditions worldwide. TMS is a non-invasive technique that stimulates specific brain regions, and research has shown its potential efficacy in treating various neuropsychiatric conditions. Studies have indicated positive results for ASD, ADHD, OCD, and Dementia.

(1) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and ADHD
Research on TMS treatment for ASD and ADHD is still limited but shows promising results in improving social communication, attention, and behavior control. There is no standardized protocol for these conditions yet, as different studies use various approaches.

(2) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
TMS treatment for OCD has shown that low-frequency stimulation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) can reduce obsessive-compulsive symptoms in some patients. Individual responses to treatment may vary.

(3) Dementia
Studies have demonstrated that TMS can improve certain aspects of cognitive function in patients with dementia. The treatment involves targeting specific brain regions to enhance cognitive abilities.

TMS Treatment Protocols for Cognitive Improvement
To effectively use TMS for cognitive improvement, several key factors need to be considered, including the targeted brain region, stimulation frequency, number of sessions, and treatment duration. The protocol should be tailored based on the treatment goals, patient condition, and scientific evidence.

Target Brain Regions:

The DLPFC is commonly targeted for cognitive functions, especially attention and memory, as it is closely related to executive functions and working memory.
Stimulation Frequency:

High-frequency TMS (generally above 10Hz) is used to promote neural activity and improve cognitive functions.
Low-frequency TMS (1Hz or below) aims to inhibit overactive neural activity to improve specific cognitive impairments or neuropsychiatric conditions.
Number of Sessions and Treatment Duration:

Typically, one session per day for several weeks is conducted to improve cognitive function. The total number of sessions and treatment duration are usually adjusted based on the patient's response.
Stimulation Methods:

High-frequency stimulation of the left DLPFC is commonly used in depression treatment and may contribute to improved cognitive function and mood.
Low-frequency stimulation of the right DLPFC is considered effective for treating OCD and anxiety symptoms by aiming to suppress excessive neural activity.
The effectiveness and optimal stimulation methods of TMS for each condition are still being researched and need to be customized based on symptoms, disease characteristics, and individual patient responses.

TMS treatment has shown potential efficacy for ADHD, ASD, OCD, and Dementia, although standardized protocols are not yet established. The basic TMS treatment protocols include:

High-frequency stimulation of the left DLPFC
Low-frequency stimulation of the right DLPFC
At our clinic, we adhere to these fixed protocols for treatment. TMS treatment offers benefits such as reactivation and restructuring of brain cells and regulation of neurotransmitters, suggesting its potential effectiveness for conditions related to frontal lobe dysfunction. It could be a valuable treatment option for various conditions.

Additionally, combining TMS with regenerative medicine treatments may provide synergistic effects, further enhancing the treatment outcomes.

For those interested in exploring TMS treatment for these conditions, please contact our clinic for more information.