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こんにちは、名古屋市千種区 児童精神科専門クリニック、医療法人永朋会 和光医院、加藤晃司です。






















医療法人永朋会 和光医院

The Anti-Aging Effects of Exosomes, Their Efficacy in Depression, and Monitor Recruitment Explained by a Psychiatrist in Nagoya
Hello, I'm Dr. Koji Kato, the director of Wako Clinic, a child psychiatry specialist clinic in Chikusa Ward, Nagoya City, under the Medical Corporation Eihoukai.

Today, I will explain the anti-aging effects of exosomes, their potential efficacy in treating depression, and monitor recruitment for our current study on exosome therapy for depression.

1. Why Do Exosomes Have Anti-Aging Effects?
Exosomes are tiny extracellular vesicles that play a critical role in cell-to-cell communication. These nanoscale vesicles, released by cells, contain molecules such as proteins, RNA, and lipids that can influence the behavior of other cells. The anti-aging effects of exosomes are due to their biological properties and the substances they carry.

1.1 Anti-Aging Mechanisms of Exosomes:
Promotion of Cellular Communication:
Exosomes effectively transmit signaling molecules from one cell to another. This function is expected to promote tissue regeneration, such as in skin cells, and improve the function of aging cells.

Enhancement of Regenerative Ability:
Exosomes contain growth factors and other regenerative-promoting factors that support the production of collagen in skin cells, aiding in tissue repair and regeneration. This can improve skin elasticity and potentially reduce fine lines and sagging.

Inflammation Suppression:
Increased inflammation with age is a known contributor to aging. Exosomes may contain signals that suppress inflammation, helping to reduce age-related inflammatory responses.

Repair of Cellular Damage:
Exosomes can carry enzymes and molecules that support DNA repair, potentially slowing down cellular aging and promoting recovery from damage.

Activation of Stem Cells:
Some studies have shown that exosomes are involved in activating stem cells, which are essential for repairing and regenerating various tissues in the body. This activation could delay the aging process.

2. Can Exosomes Be Effective in Treating Depression?
Exosomes and Their Potential in Depression Treatment

2.1 Neuroprotective Effects and Inflammation Modulation:
Exosomes may contain anti-inflammatory molecules and neuroprotective factors. Since inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of depression, the ability of exosomes to modulate inflammation could contribute to symptom improvement.

2.2 Support for Reconstructing Neural Circuits:
Exosomes carrying neurotrophic factors and other regenerative-promoting molecules could enhance communication between nerve cells and support the reconstruction of neural circuits. This may lead to improvements in cognitive function and mood stabilization in patients with depression.

2.3 Regulation of Stress Response:
Exosomes may be involved in regulating molecules and hormones related to stress. This could improve stress resilience and alleviate depressive symptoms, making exosomes a promising new approach to depression treatment.

2.4 Modulation of Epigenetic Changes:
Molecules such as mRNA and miRNA within exosomes have been shown to alter gene expression in recipient cells. This may help normalize gene expression patterns associated with depression.

Today, we discussed the anti-aging effects of exosomes, their potential efficacy in treating depression, and monitor recruitment for our ongoing study.

Exosomes are effective across the body’s cells due to their regenerative and reparative properties. At our clinic, we propose exosome therapy as an alternative treatment option for depression beyond traditional medications.

We are currently recruiting monitors for our depression study, so if you are interested, please contact the clinic.

Many participants have already joined, and our data analysis so far shows significant efficacy. This could be a valuable treatment option for those who wish to avoid psychiatric medications or reduce their current medication dosage.