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A Child Psychiatrist in Nagoya Explains the Developmental History of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

The diagnostic criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) are very strict. For example, simply engaging in self-harm is not enough to meet the criteria for diagnosis.

While many individuals may show tendencies of BPD, only a few actually meet the diagnostic criteria.

BPD is said to be composed of two elements:

Innate temperament: People with BPD tend to have mood instability, known as "irritability."
Invalidating environment: This refers to the developmental history where a caregiver (mainly the mother) fails to provide proper validation, as the term suggests. Children naturally seek stability from their mothers. Children who are prone to developing BPD are highly sensitive and attuned to their surroundings. They are often able to read the room, assess the situation, and adjust their emotions, actions, and words to match their mother’s needs.
This process is often unconscious, so the child may not feel like they are suppressing their emotions, but from an external perspective, it appears as though they are holding back their true feelings.

Moreover, because individuals with BPD tend to have mood instability, their emotions are more easily swayed, which means they may end up suppressing their feelings more often than others.

Typically, during childhood, a child develops a sense of basic trust, the belief that "I am fine as I am, I have the right to exist, and I am loved." In individuals with BPD, this basic trust may be lacking or significantly weakened.

Without basic trust, as they grow into adulthood, there is a persistent, underlying sense of vague anxiety. This constant unease slowly wears down the individual over time, manifesting in their daily life.

The closer they become to others, the stronger this anxiety becomes. This is often referred to as fear of abandonment. As a result, individuals with BPD tend to distance themselves from others.

When they maintain distance, the vague anxiety remains more manageable, allowing them to keep it under control.

Many individuals with BPD are highly resilient, and as long as their physical or mental health does not deteriorate, they may go through life without ever being diagnosed with BPD.

However, a triggering event or meeting someone who recognizes these patterns can lead to a breakdown in their mental state, prompting them to seek medical help. In some cases, they may end up in a hospital following a suicide attempt.

While it is possible to go through life without experiencing a major breakdown, the question of whether that’s truly the best outcome remains uncertain.

Fundamentally, it is impossible to redo one’s developmental history. In the case of BPD, the core issue lies in the mother-child relationship, and it is rare for the mother to attend outpatient appointments once the individual has reached adulthood.

Thus, revisiting the developmental history is typically done in a simulated manner with the help of a counselor or primary physician.

In parallel, the patient reflects on their past, though most can only recall events up to around age three. To gather information about developmental history from ages 0–3, it is necessary to ask the caregiver, usually the mother, though this is often not possible.

The developmental history from ages 0–3 is extremely important. For example, stranger anxiety, which typically appears around seven months of age, manifests when the infant interacts with people other than the mother. Separation anxiety, after learning to walk, is another stage where the child clings to the mother, even following her to the bathroom. This is a common scenario that many people may recognize. Additionally, around age three, the child experiences their first rebellious phase (often referred to as the "terrible twos"). If the attachment between mother and child is not well-formed, this phase may not occur. In essence, all of these developmental milestones—stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, and the first rebellious phase—are signs of a properly forming mother-child attachment.

By retracing the developmental history, we can pinpoint when attachment issues first arose. Naturally, the earlier these problems arise, the more severe the disorder tends to be.

This concept applies not only to BPD but to all psychiatric disorders. We refer to this as the level of pathology. It is crucial to assess whether the level of pathology is mild or severe, as the approach to treatment varies depending on this judgment.

For example, even if the diagnosis is something like panic disorder, if the level of pathology is severe, simply prescribing medication to manage panic symptoms will not suffice. As with BPD, it is necessary to revisit and simulate a correction of the developmental history, filling in the gaps where it has been deficient. It’s akin to flipping a switch that was never turned on.

This process takes a considerable amount of time. While progress is made step by step, it’s important to recognize that setbacks can occur during treatment.