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臨床情報 「不安障害(PTSD、パニック障害、全般性不安障害)に対するTMS治療の有効性について」





医療法人永朋会 理事長
加藤 晃司


次にパニック障害およびGADに関してですが、これらの疾患に対するrTMS治療に関する研究は比較的少ないです。その中には、少量のサンプルを含むものもあれば、プラセボ対照を含まないものもありました。最近の系統的レビューには、パニック障害の増強治療としてのrTMSの有効性を評価するために、右DLPFC上で1Hz rTMSを使用する2つのパイロットRCTが含まれていました。結果はプラセボと比較してTMSの優れた効果を示さなかった。最新のレビューではrTMSがPTSD患者、特に慢性の治療抵抗性のPTSD患者にとって有益であることを示しています。ただし、研究間の不均一性を考慮すると、PTSDに最適なrTMSモダリティを確立するには、大量のサンプルで特定の均一な介入プロトコルをテストする必要があります。一方、PDおよびGADの治療におけるrTMSの有効性を明らかにするためには、よりよくデザインされたRCTが必要です。

Neurosci Bull. 2017 Dec;33(6):747-756. doi: 10.1007/s12264-017-0185-3. Epub 2017 Oct 24.

Updated Review on the Clinical Use of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Psychiatric Disorders.
Guo Q1, Li C1,2,3, Wang J4,5,6.

Anxiety Disorders
Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, or generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) suffer from brain dysregulation such as neurological over-arousal (e.g. panic and generalized anxiety disorder) or neurological instable-arousal (e.g. PTSD). Although antidepressant drugs or psychotherapy can help relieve their symptoms, some patients still do not fully respond to conventional
treatments. Thus, in the following we focus on the updated evidence on rTMS intervention for the treatment of anxiety disorders.
PTSD, Panic Disorder, and GAD
A recent exploratory meta-analysis with 3 RCTs totaling 64 chronic patients assessed the efficacy of TMS over the DLPFC for the treatment of PTSD, and found a significant improvement in anxiety and depressive symptoms after active rTMS compared to sham-TMS [50]. According to this meta-analysis, right-sided DLPFC was more effective than the left-sided treatment, but no clear advantage was shown in high versus low frequency. Meanwhile, similar findings were reported in a systematic review of complementary and alternative medicine for PTSD, with grade ‘A’ evidence (strong scientific evidence) for rTMS [51]. However, this conclusion remains to be confirmed due to the broad patient inclusion criteria, the heterogeneity among studies, and the small sample sizes. Later, another systematic review and meta-analysis confirmed the superior efficacy of dorsolateral prefrontal TMS over sham TMS on PTSD, with 5 RCTs totaling 118 patients [52]. However, the authors stated that the between-study heterogeneity was remarkably high, so clinical trials with uniform intervention protocols might be needed to verify the results. Studies on rTMS treatment for panic disorder and GAD are relatively scarce. Among them, some included small samples and others did not include placebo controls. A recent systematic review in Cochrane Library included two pilot RCTs using 1-Hz rTMS over the right DLPFC to evaluate the efficacy of rTMS as an augmentation treatment for panic disorder. The results showed no superior effect of active TMS as compared to sham [53]. The updated evidence in our review indicates that rTMS is beneficial for patients with PTSD, especially for those with chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD. However, considering the heterogeneity among studies, specific uniform intervention protocols need to be tested in large samples to establish the optimal rTMS modality for PTSD. On the other hand, more well designed RCTs are needed to clarify the efficacy of rTMS in treating PD and GAD.